Bagaimana Pengerja mengatasi kejenuhan?
by ADMIN · Published · Updated
"Bagaimana para pengerja mengatasi kejenuhan atau kepenatan pelayanan pastoral? Adakah ayat atau peristiwa istimewa yang menguatkan serta menyegarkan perjalanan pelayanan pengerja?"
Pak Theo menjawab:
Jika saya jenuh:
- Bersyukur karena ini tandanya saya masih manusia. Jangan mengeluh, jangan menyesali pekerjaan atau keadaan apalagi mengutuk pekerjaan atau keadaan. 1 Tes 5:18.
- Segera berhenti dari rutinitas, stop pelayanan sementara dan cuti. Pada cuti ini saya melakukan Make time for my own self-care. Markus 6:31-32, “Lalu Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Marilah ke tempat yang sunyi, supaya kita sendirian, dan beristirahatlah seketika!" Yesuspun berhenti sejenak dari pelayanan dan melakukan istirahat. Jenuh bisa menjadi alarm bahwa psikis sudah harus diberikan penyegaran.
- Lakukan atau mencoba hal-hal baru atau hal-hal yang menyenangkan waktu masa remaja dll sekedar bernostalgia: Memancing, naik gunung, main musik, nonton jazz festival dll. Intinya adalah tidak melakukan pelayanan pastoral dan tidak menerima undangan pelayanan.
- Menyendiri untuk beberapa saat: Stop WA, internet dll. Pernah saya beberapa hari di biara disitu stop telp, TV, koran bahkan stop bicara. Renungkan arti pelayanan; apakah motivasi pelayanan masih murni, kemudian baca buku, biasanya buku non teologia dll. Yesaya 30:15; Markus 1:35.
- Cari kuliner and happy bersama keluarga pergi ke kota2 lain dll. Pengkotbah 3:12
"How do pastors overcome pastoral service fatigue or burnout? Are there any special verses or events that strengthen and refresh the journey of pastors' ministry?"
Ps. Theo answered:
If I feel weary:
- Be grateful because it indicates that I am still human. Don't complain, regret work or circumstances, let alone curse work or circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
- Immediately stop from the routine, take a break from service, and take leave. During this break, I make time for my own self-care. Mark 6:31-32, "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.' So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place." Jesus also momentarily stopped his service and rested. Weariness can be an alarm that the psyche needs refreshing.
- Do or try new things or enjoyable things from teenage years etc., just to reminisce: Fishing, hiking, playing music, watching jazz festivals, etc. The point is not to do pastoral service and not to accept service invitations.
- Spend some time alone: Stop messaging apps, the internet, etc. I once spent a few days in a monastery where I stopped calls, TV, newspapers, and even talking. Reflect on the meaning of service; whether the motivation for service is still pure, then read books, usually non-theological books, etc. Isaiah 30:15; Mark 1:35.
- Seek culinary delights and happiness with family, go to other cities, etc. Ecclesiastes 3:12.