Mengapa mengadakan Thirdbox daripada ke Kebaktian BBPC in English?
by ADMIN ·
"Karena apa kita memilih mengadakan Third Box daripada mendorong anak-anak remaja ke kebaktian BBPC jemaat Bahasa Inggris?"
Terima kasih untuk pertanyaan yang diberikan. Kita sudah dan terus-menerus mendorong anak-anak remaja kita ke kebaktian BBPC sejak dulu sampai sekarang (baik ibadah umum mereka, maupun Youth Fellowship). Puji Tuhan, sebagian dari mereka seringkali ikut Youth Fellowship dari BBPC, sesekali ada juga dari antara mereka yang ikut ibadah BBPC. Kita mengadakan Third Box karena:
- Ini adalah permintaan dari Young Adult second generation sendiri. Pada tahun 2020, beberapa diantara mereka mendekati Majelis dan Pengerja dan secara khusus meminta izin agar mereka diperbolehkan membuat Persekutuan untuk ThirdBox (pada waktu itu masih persekutuan). Tujuannya agar anak-anak Remaja yang kuliah dan mulai bekerja tetap memiliki komunitas rohani untuk beribadah dan bersekutu bersama.
- Majelis dan Pengerja melihat baik hal ini karena permintaan ini datang dari kebutuhan Young Adults sendiri. Selain itu, remaja BBPC tidak memiliki ibadah dengan bentuk kebaktian (seperti di Korem GPBB). Mereka hanya memiliki Persekutuan, setiap Sabtu 2 minggu sekali. Begitu juga dengan Pemuda mereka, bentuknya persekutuan, dan dilakukan 2 minggu sekali. Ini mendorong MJ dan Pengerja untuk melihat adanya kebutuhan ibadah bagi Young Adults GPBB.
- Maka Persekutuan ThirdBox dibentuk sejak 2020 (waktu itu masih berbentuk persekutuan).
- Para Pentua kemudian mendiskusikan pengembangan ThirdBox dengan Elders dari BBPC; kemungkinan untuk mengembangkan persekutuan ini menjadi kebaktian, dan Elders BBPC mendukung hal ini, karena mereka juga kekurangan manpower untuk melayani para remaja dan pemuda ini jika diserahkan kepada mereka. Atas seizin dari MJ BBPC, maka Ibadah Kebaktian ThirdBox (atau yang umumnya dikenal dengan K3) dilaunching pada 21 Agustus 2022.
- Sampai saat ini, ThirdBox dan GCC (BBPC Youth dan Young Adult Fellowship) sering mengadakan combined event bersama seperti: visitasi ibadah (BBPC ke ThirdBox dan sebaliknya), Pengerja BBPC rutin berkotbah di ibadah ThridBox, event CNY dan BBQ bersama.
Demikian sekilas latarbelakang dibentuknya ThirdBox. Kiranya dapat membantu untuk lebih memahami dan mendorong anak-anak remaja dan pemuda kita yang second generation bertumbuh dalam iman mereka kepada Tuhan.
"Why did we choose to hold Third Box services instead of encouraging our young adults to attend English services at BBPC?"
Thank you for the question provided. We have been consistently encouraging our teenage children to attend BBPC services since the past until now (both their regular services and Youth Fellowship). Thank God, some of them often participate in the BBPC Youth Fellowship, occasionally some of them also attend BBPC services. We established ThirdBox because:
- It was a request from the second generation Young Adults themselves. In 2020, some of them approached the Pastors and Elders-Deacons and specifically requested permission to establish the Fellowship for ThirdBox (at that time still a fellowship). The aim was to ensure that college and working teenagers still have a spiritual community for worship and fellowship.
- The Pastors and Elders-Deacons saw this as beneficial because the request came from the needs of the Young Adults themselves. Additionally, the BBPC teenagers don't have worship services (like in Korem GPBB). They only have Fellowship, every other Saturday. The same goes for their Youth, it's in the form of fellowship, and it's done every other week. This prompted the Elders-Deacons and Pastors to see the need for worship services for the Young Adults of GPBB.
- So the ThirdBox Fellowship was established since 2020 (at that time still in the form of a fellowship).
- The Elders then discussed the development of ThirdBox with the Elders from BBPC; the possibility of developing this fellowship into a worship service, and the BBPC Elders supported this because they also lack manpower to serve these teenagers and youth if it's handed over to them. With the permission of the BBPC Council, the ThirdBox Worship Service (or commonly known as K3) was launched on August 21, 2022.
- Until now, ThirdBox and GCC (BBPC Youth and Young Adult Fellowship) often hold combined events together such as: worship visitations (BBPC to ThirdBox and vice versa), BBPC Pastors regularly preach at ThirdBox services, CNY and BBQ events together.
That's a brief background of the establishment of ThirdBox. Hopefully, it can help to better understand and encourage our second-generation teenage and youth to grow in their faith in God.